A Mother's Love

The daily life and struggles of being a first time Mother adjusting to my new life and trying to do my best for the new life we have brought into the world.

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Location: Moores Hill, Indiana, United States

I am a married Mother of 2 beautiful boys and 1 adorable girl. James was born on 1-1-05. Isaac born on 7-21-09. Anna born on 3-21-12 I have been married since Nov. 2001. I have 3 dogs (white lab/mastiff mix, black lab and black lab mix), 4 black cats, many angora rabbits (French, English and German, many fish, hamsters, hermit crabs, frogs, chickens and our newest additions 2 bottle lambs - or as my husband fondly calls it "the zoo." I currently live in Indiana, but grew up in Ohio. I am a house wife, and absolutely love my job. I have started my own hand dyeing business called Knitted to a T. I sell had dyed yarns, rovings, stitch markers, wool washes, patterns, and many other goodies.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Yesterday James and I went to the Urgent Care since we were both sick and our Dr. isn't in on Saturdays. Well our insurance changed without us knowing it and it was $50.00 each just to be seen at the Urgent Care. It wasn't like I could say that the $50.00 was too much to pay for the health of our Child.

Come to find out I have a sinus infection (gee go figure) and James has the beginnings of an ear infection. He said that it wasn't an ear infection yet, but the left ear was a little red and tight looking. So he gave us both a prescription and sent us on our way. I am just glad that we caught the ear infection early and he didn't have to suffer through the pain of one. I knew that he wasn't feeling well. He was coughing and sneezing the hole night before. I am glad that I took him in.

We went to Kroger to have the scrips filled. Come to find out mine cost $50.00 and James' cost $30.00, and that was with insurance! I about fell on the floor, but we couldn't really just say no. It's not like either of us would be getting any better if we skipped the meds.

So $180.00 later we were home with our meds, or should I say gold?! I took mine and gave James his. They are only once a day, so it makes it nice. We take them together around lunch and are done for the day.

I feel a wee bit better today and James seems to be acting a little better, so hopefully the drugs will do their job really soon and we will both be feeling back to normal (or as normal as can be).

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Growing Pains, Cutting Teeth, and Shots ... Oh My!

Yap you read it right. Poor little James is going through all of it at once. He is still working on cutting his molars, he is having growing pains and he had to have a shot on last Thursday and has to go back for 4 more tomorrow.

He is not doing well with the last shot that he had. I am afraid that these next 4 are really going to do a number on him. He is completely cranky all day, doesn't want to eat his solids or his milk, has been waking up in the middle of the night screaming wildly and inconsolable. I am guessing that it is from the growing pains. I have been giving him Tylenol during the day and Motrin at night to help him feel a little better. I really wish that there was more that I could do for him.

I am really not looking forward to the shots tomorrow. I have to go between 1 and 4 which is during his nap time. I am hoping that he will sleep in a little late in the morning so I can push back his nap. I just hope that he does well. I know that he is going to cry. I really don't like the entire shot process, but I know deep down that it is for his own good. I just wish they could take him, do the shots and bring him back to me so that I can slather him with hugs and kisses and he won't think that I had anything to do with it. Can you tell that I am dreading it?

I might stop in at Lambikin's afterward to see if my yarn is in that I need to finish my niece's shrug that I am making her. James just loves Christina (the owner) and she seems to really like him too. So it might help to get his and my mind off the traumatic event. Then we will head home for the nap, that is if he doesn't fall asleep on the way home.

Got to go do the dishes from this evening. I hope that you are all doing well.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day

James and I would like to wish you a Happy Valentines Day !!! He even took time out of his busy day of play to take this picture for you. He is such a ham - isn't he.? :)

Happy Valentines Day

James got me this little Teddy Bear. Isn't it CUTE?? It has a knitted sweater and is so soft. Kevin thought that the knitted sweater was appropriate. Hummm I wonder why?? ;) I just LOVE it.

Valentine Bear

I really don't have much to tell you today. I have been busily working on my Knitting Olympic project, so every moment that I can that is what I have been doing. I will leave you with a picture of James peaking around the arm of the chair at me. This is from the other day. He thought that he was being sneaky. Teeheehee

Peek I See You

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Sunday, February 12, 2006

1 Year Check-Up and Other Misc.

Thursday was James' 1 year check-up. Dr. A was really pleased with him. He said that he is right on track and is doing great. He really liked the fact that James didn't cry when he was checking his ears, eyes, stomach, etc. Dr. A said that most babies cry when you mess with them like that. I can say that James is a fairly easy going baby. All went well until he had to get a shot. Poor little guy cried until he couldn't breathe. I felt so bad for him. I really hate the shots, but I know it is for his well being. He had a bit of a bad day after that and the next day he was really whinny and wanted to be held. I really didn't mind the snuggle time, but I really felt bad that he was feeling so miserable. After Friday he was pretty much his old self again. The unfortunate thing is I have to take him back Friday to get 4 more shots! I can't believe that he has to get so many all at once. I am sure that the days following will be some fun ones. I am not looking forward to Friday to say the least. Think of me and wish me luck.

Ok on to James' stats......
Weight 23 lbs 50%
Height 33 in 99%
Head 19.25 in (I haven't looked up the percentile on this one yet)

So he is tall and skinny. Just like his Daddy. I hope that he stays that was and doesn't end up short and fat like me.

I have been watching the Olympics. Gotta love my Directv. I can watch it on all the channels that they are playing on, NBC, CNBC, USA, etc. I got to see the Flying Tomato win Gold. Way to go Tomato!! I just love to watch the Olympics, weather it is the Summer or Winter. I have been watching the Women's Hockey teams as well and the USA are doing really well so far. I am a little nervous if they end up having to play against Canada. I am sure that will be a good game if it happens. I really feel bad for Michelle Kwan. She has fought so hard to get a gold metal and a crazy injury is keeping her from it. I really admire her for stepping down and knowing her limits and letting Emily Hughes go for the dream. I just wish it could have turned out differently for her. So far we only have 3 metals, but 2 of them are gold and the other is silver, so that is good for only having 3. Go USA!!!

I have been working on some knitting lately. I am involved in the Knitting Olympics hosted by the Yarn Harlot. I am making a fair isle hat. I have all the info about it at my knitting blog Knits Galore. Stop by and take a look.

Well I need to get back to knitting my hat. I will *see* ya'll later.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Checking In

Wow it has been busy around here lately. I finally have a few seconds to post while James is napping. I have the dishes done, the floor swept, lunch in my tummy (for once) and a few other things. I think it is time to sit down and take a break.

James has been really clingy today. Normally he will play by himself and come to me when he wants me to play with him. Not today! He wanted me to hold him the entire time that he was awake. I don't know if he is coming down with something, his teeth are bothering him or he is going through another attachment stage. We sat and watched all his shows together until it was his nap time. Not that I mind sitting and cuddling with him, but he was so whinny to go with it. He would decide that he wanted down and then turn right around and whine for me to pick him up. He is never like this, so something is going on with the little buckaroo.

He still isn't walking on his own yet. He just refuses to let go. He can do it of he would let go, but it just isn't something that he is willing to do right now. Believe me I am not complaining. He is hard enough to keep up with right now, I can just imagine what he will be like when he decides that walking is fun.

I still need to make an appointment for James' 1 year check up. I am really dreading it because it means more shots. I really disliked doing it when he was little. Now that he is bigger he will defiantly know what is going on. I guess I should get up the guts and call to make an appointment today.

I will leave you with a picture of our spoiled animals. They have such a rough life don't they?

Such Rough Lives

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Big 3 - 0

Yep I am officially old today. I am now the big 3 - 0 today. Not only am I 30, but James is 13 months today as well. I can't believe that it has been 30 years for me, but I am really amazed that James is 13 months already.

I don't feel any different today than any other day. I have heard about all the people that have a hard time turning 30. Maybe I just don't think about it. I am blessed to have a beautiful baby boy, a loving husband, a roof over my head and everything that I need. I guess I have never really cared about my age. As long as I have the things that I need, my health and people that love me then why should I care how old I am?.

I hope everyone is having a lovely day.

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