A Mother's Love

The daily life and struggles of being a first time Mother adjusting to my new life and trying to do my best for the new life we have brought into the world.

My Photo
Location: Moores Hill, Indiana, United States

I am a married Mother of 2 beautiful boys and 1 adorable girl. James was born on 1-1-05. Isaac born on 7-21-09. Anna born on 3-21-12 I have been married since Nov. 2001. I have 3 dogs (white lab/mastiff mix, black lab and black lab mix), 4 black cats, many angora rabbits (French, English and German, many fish, hamsters, hermit crabs, frogs, chickens and our newest additions 2 bottle lambs - or as my husband fondly calls it "the zoo." I currently live in Indiana, but grew up in Ohio. I am a house wife, and absolutely love my job. I have started my own hand dyeing business called Knitted to a T. I sell had dyed yarns, rovings, stitch markers, wool washes, patterns, and many other goodies.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Monday, October 31, 2005


First of all Happy Halloween !!!! I am really looking forward to taking James out for trick or treat tonight. Yesterday we picked out some pumpkins and that evening we carved them. I will try and get some pictures of them this evening. I hope that James does well. He is currently taking a nap so hopefully he will be ready to head out for all the trick or treat fun.

My SIL just called. Her and her boyfriend might come over too. I think it will be fun to have them along as well. This could turn out to be a very fun night.

I will have someone get pictures of James, Kevin and I together on our camera so I can post it here. I just hope the costumes look ok.

Well I have more to do before we leave for the evening. So I will write more when I get the chance.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, October 27, 2005

OMG!!! He Just Sat Up on His Own!!!

James was on the floor practicing his crawling and just sat up on his own! Whooo hoo what a day for milestones. He is growing up too fast :'( Where did the time go? In just a little over 2 months he will be a year old! Can you believe it? A year! I am so glad that I am here to be able to see things like this. I just don't see how working Moms do it. It would break my heart knowing that some stranger got to see most of my child's firsts. I know that staying at home isn't the perfect solution to everyone's lives and some have to work to make ends meet. I am just thankful that I can stay at home. I personally wouldn't want to to be anywhere else.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

This Head Colds has Got to Go

Man is this head cold kicking my butt. I am continually exhausted, ache all over, cough all the time, nose is either stuffed up or running, and I can go on, but I won't. The medication that the Dr. had me get isn't helping either. It is supposed to help you to stop coughing, hahahaha.... who are they kidding?! All it is succeeding in doing is making me dizzy, tired, drying out my mouth, and just making me feel like crap. It doesn't help that I am supposed to stay away from James and he is wanting no part of that. He wants to be glued to my side and I don't want him to get this. I have yet to get my voice back yet so that has been interesting as well. James just looks at me with a confused face. Poor little guy just doesn't know what is going on. Hopefully the 7 day prediction is true and this will be coming to an end soon. It has to! We have Halloween on Monday and are taking James out to my Mom's neighborhood. It should be a good time. James will be dressed as the lion, Kevin as the scare crow and me as Dorothy.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Tooth #7

We now have James' 7th tooth poking through! So #6 and 7 are his 2 front teeth. We will no longer have the vampire child. I am a bit sad about that, I thought that he looked cute with his little fangs handing out. Now if we could get that other tooth on the bottom. I thought it was odd it came through. I guess it's partner just isn't willing to make its appearance yet. I hope that once the other bottom one comes in that he will be done for a while. It seems like he is constantly cutting teeth. Poor little guy just can't seem to catch a break. He is going to want steak for his first birthday. LOL

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Off to the Dr. I Went

Well today I gave in to the coughing, sore throat, body aches, mucus filled head that I have been enjoying since Saturday. I made a call to my Dr. and they got me in this morning. I was told that it should last around 7 days. So I am 4 days in so far and I can safely say it sucks. I was supposed to go to my knitting glove class this evening, but with also being contagious I thought it better for all involved to stay home. I was put on a prescription for my coughing and mucus. It is kicking my but. It has an antihistamine in it and boy do they normally make me loopy. I am supposed to keep my distance from James and Kevin. Ok I can do that with Kevin, but I don't see how this is going to work with James. With staying at home with him and having to take care of him during the day, I have to have contact with him. Poor little buckaroo just doesn't understand why I won't play with him like normal. I wish I could make him understand why. I really don't want him to get this. I am currently only able to squeak out a few words then my voice is completely gone. No needless to say, I am having to be quite. I am sure that Kevin is loving it. LOL

Everyone loved James in his brown corduroy pants, brown, blue, green, tan, beige horizontal stripe sweater, off white turtle neck and little brown dress shoes. He did look really cute. He looked so grown up. Of course he was flirting with all the nurses and the people at the store while we were waiting for my prescription to be filled. He is such a turd sometimes, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Gotta Love the Mother-in-Law

Seriously I love my Mother-in-Law. You hear so many horror stories about people having these evil women as Mother-in-Laws and how horrible that they are. I can say that I have been blessed with a Great one. She is the sweetest, most caring and sincere person you would ever want to meet. She would do anything for anyone that needs it.

Today Kevin called her to tell her I was sick and could possibly use some help with James today. So she was on her way over once she got off the phone with him. I have some sort of head, congestion, sore throat, lack of voice, body ache, etc. thing going on. Well she didn't have any chicken soup made, so she stopped at a local restaurant that has really good home cookin' and got me some. I wish I would have known that she was going to do that because I would have waited and not have ate the canned soup that I had. Oh well I can always eat it tomorrow. :)

She played with and watched James so that I could sit back and relax. She said that she felt like she didn't do anything, but I told her she did a lot. Just trying to entertain a baby while being sick takes quite a bit out of you. She was hear until Kevin came home. As she left she told me to call if I need her again. Yeah it was such a hard sale for her to come over and play with her Grandson :).

I just have to love my MIL!!! Thanks for all the help today.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Bath Time Fun

Tonight I had Kevin give James a bath since I wasn't feeling very good. But of course I had to take some pictures while I wasn't in the line of fire from the splashing that ensues when a bath is going on.

I thought that these two were really cute and as James said I did keep it G rated. He just loves his bath time and especially in his duck tub. I am glad that he likes a bath. It makes that part of the day that much easier for everyone involved.

Keep it G Rated Mom!!

James Relaxing in His Tub

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Monday, October 17, 2005

Sweet Sweet Baby James

Today after working on his crawling James collapsed into a pile. He looked so darn cute that I couldn't pass up getting a picture of it. He never ceases to steal my heart. If you have never had a child you probably think I am nuts, but if you have then you know exactly what I am talking about.

It is amazing how you never knew that there was something missing in your life until a little one comes along.
It is amazing how they can do something new everyday.
It is amazing how fast they grow.
It is amazing how I can love him more every day.
It is amazing how he can do so much on his own already.
It is amazing how he fast he can make Kevin into a pile of mush.

I can safely say I don't know what I ever did without James. I feel like there is something missing every time I leave him. I am sure that is probably something that I will never get over. :)

Sweet Baby James

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Minges Pumpkin Festival

This weekend we went to Minges Pumpkin Festival. We have been going for quite a few years. We set up a marquee in the primitive section. Normally we both dress the part, but since I left Kevin home to bring James out after they have both woke up and were ready to go for the day, Kevin was only partially dressed the way she should have been and we didn't have anything to dress James in, so he came in his normal clothes.

I had a really good time with Kevin, James my Dad's side of the family, my Mom and all the people that I hadn't gotten to see in about a year. James seemed to have fun as well. He really seemed to like it when the planes would fly over (since we were set up at the end of a run way). James did much better than I thought he would and even took a nap there both days! I really think he enjoyed himself. It didn't hurt that my Mom was there Saturday to spoil him rotten. Of course she had to buy him some new toys, so we came home with a wooden truck and a wooden helicopter. Plus she bought him a wooden train for Christmas that was sent home with us already for him to play with. What do you do with Grandparents? LOL

All in all it was a beautiful weekend. It was a little cold during the wee morning hours, but the rest of the day was sunny and pleasant. We couldn't have asked for a better weekend.

Part of the Family

James and Kevin

James Watching all the Action

Just a Little Peak from Under the Hat

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Tooth #6

Well last night about 2 am James' 6th tooth made its appearance. All was fine and he was sleeping peacefully as were we until 2 am. I was woke up by a screaming baby. I went and warmed a bottle that he drank quite a bit of and changed him so he was sure to be dry then put him back in bed. Every time I would walk a way he would cry. I finally got him calmed and he drifted back to dream land. This morning you could see the little bit of the tooth that so rudely came in so early in the morning. It is one of his front ones. It looks as if its partner will be in soon. I think he is ready for steak LOL. The kid juat can't seem to get a break in cutting teeth. Once one comes in another isn't too far behind. I can say that he is such a good trooper through it all. So we now have 3 on top and 3 on the bottom.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Our Little Cow Boy

Last night I had gone to Lambikins to work on some knitting. While I was gone Kevin and James went out shopping and came back with James' first Cow Boy hat. I was very surprised that he was able to find one that fit him. James seems to like it and is proud to wear it. I think he looks so cute in his hat. I have to say that he looks good in pretty much any hat that I have put him in. I really need to get on the ball and make him some knitted ones for this winter.

So here are some pictures of our cute little cow boy.

Yeee Haaaa!!!

How Cute is This!?

Happy Little Cow Boy

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Monday, October 10, 2005

Clothing From Grandma

Well yesterday at Kevin's birthday my Mom had new clothes for James. Not that I don't appreciate it, I really do - he is in need of pants since he seems to grow out of them in just a few weeks. I told her it was Kevin's birthday not James', but you know how Grandparents are. LOL I just love the little rubber boots that she found. They are too cute. It is pretty bad that my baby dresses better than I do. LOL Oh well that is ok with me. I really have fun dressing him so cute.


Lilypie Baby Ticker

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Kevin's Birthday

Today we celebrated Kevin's birthday at my Mom's. Of course with James there the focus was mostly on him. Isn't that what happens when you have a baby?. LOL Kevin got some nice clothes and my Mom fixed him a really nice meal then we had cake and ice cream afterward. James really had fun with his little piece of cake that I let him have. He is always such a riot. I believe that Kevin had a good birthday, or at least I hope that he did. He said that he had a good time, so I guess that is true.

James got Kevin the hat that he is wearing. He really likes it. :)

Riding the Fire Truck

Thinking about Getting Off

Whee This is Fun!!

Kevin and James



Happy Boy

Kevin's Cake

Kevin Eating His Cake

Sugar Overload

Cute Grin

It's Fun to Play in Cake

Cake Eating Grin

Cake Go-Tee

Cake Covered Biter Biscuit

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Fleece Hat Kevin Bought

This evening Kevin came home with a fleece hat that he thought we could use for this winter on James. It is labeled for 18 to 24 month olds. The hat barely fit on his head. Either he has a fat head, the hat was labeled wrong, or the maker has no idea about the size of an average baby's head. Of course we had to get a picture of it and James had to put in his 2 cents as well. LOL The second picture was too good not to share. I hope it brings a good laugh to you as it did to us.

Daddy Bought this Hat

This is What I Think of It

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Blue Grass Festival

Tonight we went to the Blue Grass Festival at Versailles Park. There were a bunch of bands there playing. We had a really good time after James chilled out. Kevin's parents were there and his Dad grabbed James and stuck him under the tent flap to Kevin's Mom. Well with James just waking up and all he freaked! It took him over an hour to relax enough to come sit with us in the tent. I wanted to take him out so he could get some experience with crowds, but I didn't want to scare him to death. After he calmed down he seemed to have a good time dancing to the music and such. He would stop and look every time the crowd would clap. We clap here, but he isn't used to so many doing it at the same time.

Kevin tried to get James to sleep while we were still there and the music was playing. Hahaha like he really thought that was going to work. Needless to say, James didn't go to sleep, so Kevin gave up. I told him not to worry about it, he will sleep on the way home, which he did.

All in all we had a really good time and I think it was good for James to be introduced to large crowds. Other than the scare that he had all wet well.

What's Over there Grandma??

Something Caught Their Attention

Yummy Keys

Daddy Trying to Get James to Sleep

Me and Grandma

Playing on the Blanket

Wash Rag in Bag

Watching the Band

Cheerio Eater

Lilypie Baby Ticker

James' 9 Month Pictures

Today we went and had James' 9 month pictures done. He did so good for them. We had to wait over an hour and he was quite tired, plus the outfit changes. He was such a trooper. Of course I had to have his pictures done in the 2 Halloween outfits that I got. Since there is no way that he will fit in the cow for Halloween I figured that I could at least get a little use out of it and have a picture done in it. In the package that I got they are taking the one in the lion outfit and changing it from color to sepia then highlighting some of the oranges in his mane, the pumpkin, paw print etc. It should be quite interesting to see how they turn out.

Only 3 months to go before by baby is the big 1. I can't believe how fast he is growing and changing every day. *Sigh* I just wish I could keep him little longer, but I know that isn't a reality. Some one really needs to make a pill to keep my baby small.

Isn't He a Cutie?!

Sitting Tall

James Standing 9 Months Old


Look I am a Lion

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