A Mother's Love

The daily life and struggles of being a first time Mother adjusting to my new life and trying to do my best for the new life we have brought into the world.

My Photo
Location: Moores Hill, Indiana, United States

I am a married Mother of 2 beautiful boys and 1 adorable girl. James was born on 1-1-05. Isaac born on 7-21-09. Anna born on 3-21-12 I have been married since Nov. 2001. I have 3 dogs (white lab/mastiff mix, black lab and black lab mix), 4 black cats, many angora rabbits (French, English and German, many fish, hamsters, hermit crabs, frogs, chickens and our newest additions 2 bottle lambs - or as my husband fondly calls it "the zoo." I currently live in Indiana, but grew up in Ohio. I am a house wife, and absolutely love my job. I have started my own hand dyeing business called Knitted to a T. I sell had dyed yarns, rovings, stitch markers, wool washes, patterns, and many other goodies.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Christmas Card Chaos

So 60 plus cards might not be a lot for many people to send out, but it is when you have a baby in the house that won't give you a minute of rest. I have had my cards for over a month now, but never got them out to work on them. Now that I want to work on them, James has other plans. Should have started them before he began being so mobile. I guess I will just have to do a few at a time. Thank goodness for a computer and printable labels.

Ok so that might be cheating you say. I say it is saving me time. I had to take the time to put them all in and make them pretty to begin with, so I did spend quite a bit of time setting it all up a few years back. Now all I have to do each year is to make any changes then print them out. Another plus is there should be no question on what the address says. The labels are clear to read and shouldn't have any confusion at the post office.

I went today and got stamps for all of them that way I had all my supplies ready for when I get the chance to sit down and work on them. Hopefully I will get a few moments tomorrow to start them. I guess only time will tell. I want to get them done soon so that they will reach their recipient before a few days before Christmas.

Wish me luck.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Monday, November 28, 2005

Crazy Shopping

Yes we were one of the crazies out the day after Thanksgiving shopping. Actually Kevin was the one that went out early that morning to get a few things for James. We both agreed that one of us would go and the other stay home so that we didn't have to wake and drag James out in the mess.

Kevin was successful in getting everything that he went out for. So that was good and he said that the people really weren't bad. He was pleasantly surprised. I was happy that he had a good experience. He did say that the Wal*Mart on Colrain had police in riot gear. Can you imagine? It just amazes me that they have to do that because of the crazy people out there. I worked at a Wal*Mart and was there to witness the madness that ensues for the sales. I am sorry, but there is nothing worth knocking and trampling some one for.

Later that day we all went back out because one of the toys didn't work so we went to do an exchange. I was surprised that there weren't more people out shopping. I guess the idea of money or gift cards are becoming quite popular.

I think that we have everything for James now for Christmas and his Birthday, unless I can find a few smaller things to fit in his stocking.

I can't wait for Christmas this year. Now I have to persuade Kevin into getting the Christmas decorations out of the garage. Any suggestions?

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

Have a safe and happy holiday. I plan to eat my fill today, then tomorrow go out and get a few bargins. Good Luck to those of you who are going out to brave the crowds early in the morning.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Meeting Friends

Today James and I went to meet my friend Lori and her daughter Anna. We met at Babies R Us in Cincinnati Mills for lunch and an afternoon stroll around the mall. James and I had a great time.

I really wished that they lived closer, I am sure James would have a blast being able to play with Anna more. Poor little guy only has me. :)

I can't believe how big Anna has gotten. She is doing so much more since the last time that we met. It was also fun to see Lori's pregnant belly. I am so excited that she is going to have a boy this time. I can't wait to meet the little guy.

{Lori - this doesn't mean that you need to have him any earlier than 38 weeks, and tell that little guy to cooperate and not to be trouble like his big sister was :) I wish you a happy, healthy, full term pregnancy.}

I hope that we will be able to get a chance to do it again soon. It is always nice to be able to get out of the house and let James play with some one his own age.

Lori - if you are reading this we need to plan another get together. :)

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Friday, November 18, 2005

Add Yourself to My Map

Ok I am getting in on this too. I think it would be really neat to see everyone that visits my blog. Please add yourself to my map by clicking on the button bellow or the one in the side bar.

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Have a Great Day Everyone.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, November 17, 2005

10 Month Check Up

Today is James' 10 month check up. I am excited to see how much he has grown. His stats the last time on 9-19-05 were..... Weight: 20lbs 12oz, Length 29in and Head 18.5in. So in just a few hours we will see what has changed. I believe that he has grown in height since some of his 12 month sleepers don't seem to fit him any more. I am really hoping for no shots this time, but I am sure that there is at least 1 coming. Oh I hate the shots. I feel so bad for him and they make me hold him down for them. I try and think on the positive side of things, knowing that he is getting protected from so many horrible diseases, but it still really hurts me inside to know that it is hurting him, even though it is just a few seconds.

Well it is time to go and get him out of bed, so I can get him dressed, fed and we can get on the road. Unfortunately I have to stop and get gas on the way and it is COLD out. Oh well I guess I shouldn't complain too much, it could be colder.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Quiet Time

Well I was able to get some this evening so I was able to start the update on James' LJ. I am so happy that I have gotten this far. I only have 1 more entry to go and it will be as updated as I can get it. I am waiting for tomorrow to finish since it is so late and I need to get to bed. Next will be to add some pictures here. That will have to wait until at least tomorrow if not later. Being caught up is always a really nice feeling that I don't get much of, so when I do I like to enjoy it.

I am tired and am going to turn in for the night. Good Night All. Sweet Dreams.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Ahead of the Game

Well I have now finished resizing the pictures in both sizes that I use along with putting the ones that I want for James' LJ on Photobucket. Now I have to get some quiet time and add, add, add to his LJ. There are so many pictures from Halloween and such that it was hard to narrow it down. So if all goes well I will get the LJ done before the weekend and I can post some here as well. Yeah for being ahead of schedule.

Plus while I was waiting for Adobe to resize the different sets of pictures I got to work on my gloves. So I am a little farther on the second one now. I only have 1 more load of laundry to do and the whopping 12 loads will be done. Yeah!!

Lilypie Baby Ticker

1, 2, 3, 4, 5,......193!

Well it is closer than it was before. I have finally down loaded the 193 pictures in my camera to the computer. I have them all named now as well. Whew was that a job to do. Now I still have to resize them all in 2 different sizes, so that means that I have touched each picture in some form at least 3 times. That makes 579 pictures. WOW! Guess I need to try and get them down loaded more often. After I get a chance to resize and pick out the ones I want for James' LJ I will work on it and get it updated finally. Don't get me wrong I love my pictures. Heck if I didn't I wouldn't take so many. I love my digital camera for the fact that I can erase a bad picture and don't have to wait until the end of a roll of film to see my pictures, but some time I just wish all I had to do was to drop off the roll at the store then an hour later pick it up. I just wish that there was an easier way to do it all. I am hoping by the weekend to have everything done enough to be able to work on updating the LJ. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Monday, November 14, 2005

Tooth #8

James finally has his 4th tooth on the bottom. Now totaling 8 teeth. It popped through some time yesterday. I am hoping that he will get some relief now, but I think that he is still cutting more. He is still chewing on things quite a bit and drooling like a mad man. So I am guessing that he might just be working on some of the molars too.

He is going to have quite a bit to show the Dr. this time when we go for his checkup. He will have almost a full mouth of teeth, is crawling and setting himself up, pulling himself up on things and thinks that he can just take off walking. (I am just waiting for him to walk one day out of the blue.) I can safely say that he has accomplished quite a bit in the last month.

Boy is he growing up quick.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


That is the word of the day. DONE!! James was just in his high chair eating some snacks and decided that he was finished. The word "done" came from his mouth clear as day! He even said it a few times, so it wasn't a fluke. We have been working on sign language and saying the words as well and I guess this one just finally clicked. I know that I would normally get "Doooo Doooo" and I knew that he was trying, but I can't believe that he said it already!

He does the sign for milk as well. I have added a few more signs into our daily routine since he seems to be picking up on them. He understands what all the ones that I have been doing, but doesn't do all of them himself yet. I am sure that it is just a matter of time.

I am so proud right now! Yeah for my little man!!!

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Cranky Crabby Baby Boy

The past few days James has been a crabby, cranky little man. I don't know what is wrong to make it better. I am guessing that it is his teeth or growing pains. I know that he has been chewing on everything again, so I am guessing that is the culprit. He has been wanting to sleep more too. I just hope that he isn't getting sick. That is the last thing that I want. Poor little man. I wish he could tell me what is wrong so I could make it better. I really don't like to play the guessing game. I hope whatever it is it goes away soon and my happy little guy comes back to me.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Monday, November 07, 2005

Cow Boy Club

I believe that James has been accepted into the cow boy club at our church. No it isn't a real club. It is a few young boys at our church that wear cow boy boot, hats, belts with buckle, etc. Actually all the boys are cousins. Anyway this past Sunday when we went to church we had James dressed in his western attire. The boys didn't see him with his hat, but during the "meet and greet" where everyone walks around and shakes hands they saw him in his boots. My Mom was holding James at the time. They all came up and were talking to him and looking at his boots. One of them even patted him on the head and said "All right". I believe that he is one of them now. He really seemed to like them as well. I am sure that it didn't hurt that they were dressed like his Daddy. They really seemed to accept him even though he is small. I thought that it was just so cute. I am glad that he is already fitting in even though he is so much younger than most of the kids at the church.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Happy Anniversary!!

Happy Anniversary to my darling Husband. Today we have been married for 4 years. I know it doesn't sound like much, but now days if you last a year you are doing good. We have actually been together for 11 years.
I met Kevin at my Halloween party in 1994 and the rest is history. We now have a beautiful baby boy together and have spent 4 wonderful years in marriage. I know that I am always saying this, but it just doesn't seem like we have been married for 4 years, let alone together for 11. Man does time fly when you are having fun.
I can say that we have had our good times and bad, rough and smooth, easy and hard, etc., but we are here today still together and have been able to work through things. No one ever said that it would be easy and boy were they right, yet I wouldn't trade those experiences for the world. We have learned a lot about each other over these past years. For example we both went into the marriage with the agreement that neither of us wanted children. Hummm we now have a baby boy. Some where along the line we both changed our minds, had a discussion and decided to go for it. I believe that it was the best decision that we made.
Well I won't bore you with any more of my reminiscing.
Happy Anniversary Darling!!

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

10 Months Old

Yesterday James turned 10 Months old!! Can you believe it? Only 2 more months to go before he is the big 1! Wahhhhhh!!!!! He did great for his pictures. They turned out so cute, if I do say so myself. I just love him in his cow boy get up and so far the sweater that he is wearing is my favorite sweater of his. I think I have to go to Lambikins to see if they have the colors close to them so I can make him one in a bigger size (no I didn't make the one that he is wearing, but I just love it).

Here are the pictures..... I hope you enjoy them.

Our Little Cow Boy

Ride Um' Cow Boy

Sitting in the Rocking Chair

Sitting Tall

Just Relaxing

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Sunny Day Sweeping the Clouds Away.....

Well after a gloomy rainy day yesterday today is making up for it. It is sunny and beautiful out! It is a little on the cool side, but that is ok. I can always add another layer, at least I am not wringing wet from the rain. I understand that we need the rain and all I just wish it didn't have to be so gloomy with it. I need my daily dose of vitamin D from the sun.

I do love fall for all the colors, the cooler temperatures, the sunny days, and the count down to winter.

I am actually looking forward to winter this year. Can you believe it? I can't wait to show James his first snow, to take him sled riding, building snow people, and making forts and angels. He is well equipped for the snow since I have 2 different snow suits for him (one from each Grandma and many layers of clothes, plus gloves and snow boots. He probably won't be able to move, but he will be warm. I am sure that Kevin feels the same. I know he seems to like the winter and I know that his Dad does (he is a sled riding fool). I am sure that Grandpa will have James on a sled at the first good snow fall.

I am not trying to wish the year away by no means. I just get excited when I can show and do new things with James.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Halloween Update

We had a great time Halloween evening. My SIL and her boyfriend did end up coming over to my Moms to take James out trick or treating with us. She went as death and Brian went at Lupo the Butcher. Kevin, James and Myself were told that we had the best family costumes at every house we went to. James did really well. I was pleasantly surprised that he wasn't cared of any of the costumes, decorations, or music and noises that people had playing. After an hour into it James was tired so we headed back home. He made a pretty good haul in that short time. He seemed like he had a good time. I know that I did. Kevin has already been through the candy to see what James got and separated out what James could have and couldn't. Poor little guy is stuck with suckers, not like he will really get them anyway, maybe a lick or two but that is about it.

I will have pictures posted later once I get them from the camera to the computer and all that fun stuff.

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