A Mother's Love

The daily life and struggles of being a first time Mother adjusting to my new life and trying to do my best for the new life we have brought into the world.

My Photo
Location: Moores Hill, Indiana, United States

I am a married Mother of 2 beautiful boys and 1 adorable girl. James was born on 1-1-05. Isaac born on 7-21-09. Anna born on 3-21-12 I have been married since Nov. 2001. I have 3 dogs (white lab/mastiff mix, black lab and black lab mix), 4 black cats, many angora rabbits (French, English and German, many fish, hamsters, hermit crabs, frogs, chickens and our newest additions 2 bottle lambs - or as my husband fondly calls it "the zoo." I currently live in Indiana, but grew up in Ohio. I am a house wife, and absolutely love my job. I have started my own hand dyeing business called Knitted to a T. I sell had dyed yarns, rovings, stitch markers, wool washes, patterns, and many other goodies.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Friday, September 30, 2005

Well... Here They Are....

I finally got James into the Halloween Costumes that I got. The Cow just fits and the Lion is a little big, so I am guessing that the lion will be just right by Halloween. He seemed to have a really good time dressed up. I can't wait to see how he does at Halloween. I hope he has fun and doesn't get scared. Now we have to get our costumes. I want to be Dorthy and I want Kevin to be the Scare Crow. I guess we need to head down to ye' ol' costume store to get them soon.

Well here are the pictures. What do you think???

Cow Toes

Moo Moo Moo

Cutie Pie Cow

Who Needs Courage?.

Cool Tail

I Can Eat it Too

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Drum Roll Please....

James now has his 5th tooth!! It broke through some time last night. I felt his gums last night and there was nothing through yet and this morning viola there it is. So he now has 2 teeth on top and 3 on the bottom. I am now just waiting for the 4th one on the bottom to come through. There are no signs of the bottom one showing its face any time soon, but they can fool you.

He is doing much better at feeding and eating on his own. I haven't gotten brave enough yet to let him have a go at his cereal or any jarred type foods, but the finger foods he is doing really well. He really likes Vegie Crisps. I bought a bag the other day just to see if he would eat them and he scarfed down 3 helpings of them. I am glad that he likes them since they are better than cheetoes and such. He has always been good at liking the things that are good for him. I just hope that he keeps that up.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Head Colds Suck

I now have a head cold - whoo hoo. Kevin had something that he thought was allergies last week, but apparently it wasn't. I now have some sort of head cold. I went through an entire box of Kleenex yesterday (no joke I went through an entire new box!!). I swear that I am going to be dehydrated from loosing so much fluid. My throat is soar, my nose is sore, my ears are clogged, I am running a fever, my body aches, I am exhausted, light headed, stuffed up and can't sleep. I can't wait for whatever this is to go away. I hope that James doesn't get it. He has a little bit of a runny nose today, but that could be from cutting teeth too. I don't wish this on anyone.

I still need to get a list of things done before I head to bed. So I will say good night for now and I hope this cold doesn't pass your way.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, September 22, 2005

8 Month Check-Up

Monday was James' 8 month well baby check-up. Everything went really well and he got a clean bill of health. The Dr. said that he looks like Bob off the Quiznos commercials. I could wish he made money like that little baby lol. He ended up having to get 1 shot this time :(. I thought that we were done with them, but this one is for pneumonia and since they are so expensive the place he was sending us to have all his other shots wouldn't give it to him because it wasn't a requirement for school. He cried for the shot, but stopped once I picked him up. I really dislike the shots.

After the Dr. we stopped at Lambikin's Hideaway to look at the new yarn that came in. While we were at the counter and I had James on my hip I felt something warm. Come to find out the 3rd year student Dr. that was in with the Dr. didn't put James' diaper on right. So now I am wet and so is James. Out to the car we go to change him completely and to clean me up since I didn't have any spare clothes. After the clean and change we went back into the store and James played on a quilt I brought to put on the floor. He was so good. We were there for 2 hours and he played the entire time. I couldn't believe it.

Before we left for home a call came in. Someone was canceling for the knitted clog class that night. Since I was there she asked if I still wanted to take it. Of course I did! So I called Kevin to see what his plans were for the evening. He had made plans already so I called my Mom and she was more than willing to watch James. So I had to run home get things together for James then it was off to my Moms and to class. I know that Mom and James both had a good time together since when I got there to pick him up James was crashed out in my Mom's arms.

Finally here are his current stats.....

Weight - - 20lbs 12oz
Height - - 29in
Head - - 18.5in

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Friday, September 16, 2005

Tooth #4!!!!

What is going on?? James now has his 4th tooth. This one is on the bottom. There was no swelling or anything suggesting that a tooth was going to make an appearance there, but none the less it has peaked through. I am guessing that the other one isn't too far behind. If that is the case then we will soon have tooth #5 and #6.

It just amazes me how one day there is nothing there and the next there can be a tooth poking through the skin. Man do they grow so fast. I swear that I can see him growing while he is sleeping.

I figure that he wants to get in as many teeth as he can by Monday, since that is when we have his 8 month well baby check-up. He has to show the Dr. how many teeth he has and that he is a big boy :).

I hope that all is ok when we go for his check up. I believe that everything is ok, but you just never know what they might find. So far all his past check-ups have been perfect, so I am hoping for another perfect visit. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Tooth #3

It's here! It's finally here! James has tooth number 3. It looks to be the one next to the top front ones. So now he has the 2 front bottom teeth and one top next to where the front teeth should be. He is working on its partner in crime too so I expect to see the next one soon.

I guess this explains why he was so cranky the last few days. I knew that he was working on cutting the top 2 teeth, but wasn't sure how far along they really were. The poor little swollen gums can only tell you so much. He is in a much better mood today so he had to be very uncomfortable while that tooth had to poke through the skin. I really wish that there was more I could do for him. I am sure that he is happy to have that pain over with. So I have my cute, happy little boy back for a while until the other tooth is close to coming in. He is still chewing quite a bit so I hope that will help it come in faster.

Maybe tonight James and Kevin will have a better night together. Kevin did get a bit of a taste of what I go through on a daily basis - teeheehee. I think he has a better appreciation of what I do in a day.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

2nd Time on My Own

Well last night was only the 2nd time that I have been without James since he was born. In a way it was nice to get out and have adult conversation, but on the other hand I missed him so much. It was quite a lonely drive to Hamilton last night without him. I caught myself talking to the back seat and there was no one there :(. I even stopped at McDonald's on the way and didn't have him to share my french fries with. It was good for me to get out of the house and for James to spend time with Kevin, but it was hard for me to walk out the door and drive off. Now I know why Mothers are so protective of their children.

The class was really nice. I learned a lot and now know why I should make sure I continually check the gauge of whatever I am making to be sure that it will come out the size and shape that I want. Plus it is harder to pick a sweater pattern with a yarn that I like and for it to fit me than I thought that it would be. I guess that will be something that I will have to try later after I do some other things.

I have to say that the highlight of my evening was when I walked in the door when I got home. Kevin and James were sitting watching cartoons and when James saw me he got a huge smile on his face and reached for me. Once I picked him up he laid his head on me and patted me. Talk about heart melting. Boy he knows how to make me feel good. I was so glad to hold and snuggle him again. You would think I was gone forever, but hey it felt like a long time even though it was only a total of 4 hours. I am sure that it will get easier the more that I leave him. I think I am the one with the separation anxiety. LOL

Tomorrow is my next class. I will be making a felted pumpkin. This one has 2 sessions. I am excited to see what it will look like.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Saturday, September 10, 2005

New Knitting Blog

I have created a new blog for all my knitting adventures. Stop by and take a look. There isn't too much there yet, just some picture of things I made for presents last Christmas. I am hoping that with taking classes I will be able to create some new and interesting things.

The blog is Mrs. Knitter's Knitty Gritty. I will add other crafts as well, but it will mainly be my knitting. I have some good links on it as well.

I hope that you enjoy your visit there and take away a little knowledge as well.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Taking Knitting Classes

Yesterday James and I went to Hamilton to run some errands. We had to go to the Hobby Lobby to pick up a special ordered mat for one of James pictures, stop and give my Mom James' newest pictures, and stop at Lambikin's Hideaway Yarn and Stichery.

I just love Lambikin's! The people are so nice and helpful. I have had nothing but a really good time every time I go. Plus they are so sweet to James. Christina and Sara are always letting James touch the new yarns that they think he might like the feel of. He always has fun when we go. I have a bad addiction there. I guess if you didn't knit or don't have anything to do with yarn then it wouldn't be a place for you. They have yarn, yarn and more yarn. There are so many styles, textures, brands etc. that a girl could go broke very easily in there. This time I was there to sign up for some classes. This is something that I have been wanting to do for a while.

I need to get out of the house for some adult conversation. I am going stir crazy and even though I LOVE James to death, I just need to have some "Me" time. Some people go to work, some go to school, mine just happens to be knitting classes. I feel that it will be good for myself and my family. I am hoping that getting out of the house will lower the stress that I have been feeling. I know that I am going to miss James while I am gone, but it is only for 2 hours a class, so it really isn't long. On the other hand I can't even go up the street to the store without missing him and feeling like a piece of me is missing. I am sure that I will enjoy my time and will be a better Mommy for taking some time for myself and not letting the tension build.

Now the fun this is that the classes are from 6 - 8 pm. This means that Kevin is going to have to perform the nightly routine for James. I am a bit scared for James LOL. I am not sure how this is going to go for either of them, but this will be good for both of them. Kevin learning how to do the nightly routine and James letting someone else put him to bed. I just hope that it goes well for the both of them because I really want to be able to take the rest of the classes that I have signed up for.

My first class will be Monday. I have "homework" to be done before I even take the class. I have to make swatches so we can measure the gauge of each swatch.

The Classes that I am taking are:

Importance of Knitting on Gauge (September 12th)
Square of the Month (Every 3rd Wednesday of each month for a year)
Pick Your Own Pumpkin in Lambikin's Pumpkin Patch (September 14th & 28th)
Scarf Styles (October 4th)
Deck the Halls with Your Knitting (October 5th)
Language of Knitting (October 10th)
Fair Isle-Two Handed, Two Color Knitting (November 30th, December 7th & 14th)

I wanted to take the Felted Slippers/Clogs, but the class was already full. I guess that is what I get for waiting. Maybe the next set of classes they will offer it or maybe with it being so popular they will open another one. Here is keeping my fingers crossed.

I am thinking of starting another blog on just my knitting and other crafts that I do. That way I will have some sort of record of my progress. What do you think?

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Pictures Added

I have added James' 8 month pictures along with a few other to the flickr badge on the left side of the page. Unfortunately he just wasn't into it this month. I think it was because the girls that were working had never taken his picture before. It takes him quite a while to warm up to someone. I guess that could be from me staying home with him and not exposing him to many people. I have been trying to get better about that and he is getting better about not crying as much around other people unless he has never seen them before. I guess you could say he is still a work in progress. :)

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Friday, September 02, 2005

Halloween Costumes are Here

The Cow and Lion costumes that I ordered have arrived! Now I need to see how well that they fit. I will get him in them and get pictures as soon as I can. I will probably need Kevin here to be able to rangle James into them. He is such a worm now. I am sure that we will have a fun Halloween, even though James probably won't understand and know what is going on. I figure that next year he will have a better time, but at least he is old enough to somewhat enjoy it this year. I can't wait to see what he looks like in them. :)

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, September 01, 2005

8 Months Old

Well my little guy is 8 months old today. I still can't believe that he is that old already. I know that I say this every month, but man does time fly. It just seems like yesterday I was lying in the hospital with him still in me excited, scared, nervously awaiting his arrival. Only 4 more months until he will be a year old! An entire year!

I am so glad that I can be a SAHM for him. If I had to work out side the home I know that I would miss so much that I have been able to be at home to see. Admittingly it isn't for everyone, but I think I would personally regret going back to work if I didn't have to. I am so thankful that I am able to be here to see all his firsts.

We went to BRU today to have his pictures done. The normal girls that have been taking his picture since he was born weren't there, so he really wasn't into it this time. We tried everything and he just didn't want to smile much. Of course after we were done he was all smiles and was babbling away. Little turd. Oh well what can you do if they don't want to cooperate?. There is nothing that I know of at this age. I will post his new pictures when I can get onto the other computer and get them resized so it will be a few days before that can happen.

I found James some outfits that were one clearance. They are all for 18 months and older, but the way that he is growing it won't be long before he is in them. He is very close to being out of is 6-9 month sleepers, so I will have to be moving him up to his 12 month ones soon. I really think he is going to be tall like Kevin. Heck even if he compromises between us he will be at least 6 ft. I also expect him to have large feet like Kevin too, heck he is already in a size 3 and is almost out of them (he is wearing a size 4 tennis shoe from Wal*Mart and they fit him really well). I think we are going to be in for a real adventure for clothing for James as he gets older. This could be an impossible quest.

I also got him the Roll-a-Rounds: Drop and Roar Dinosaur. He really seems to like it and I know that it is hours of entertainment for adults. It has kept Kevin, his parents and myself all amused for quite a while. Isn't that why we buy toys for kids? You figure that you like it so your kid should too. They have so many neat toys out there now. It just amazes me that kids can get bored.

Well I am getting off the subject and am rambling. All in all it was an eventful day. After BRU we stopped at Kroger to pick up James' prescription. The Dr. has him on vitamins with fluoride in them. He really only needs the fluoride that is in them since we have well water and he gets breast milk, but he has to take the vitamins as well since that is the only way that it comes. I figure that the extra vitamins can't hurt. Maybe it will keep him from getting sick. I also picked up some more jar foods for when we are out he will have something to eat just in case. The homemade foods are not easily portable since they are all frozen. There are some new ones that I got I can't wait to see if he likes them. Of course I always try a jar at home before I take it out with us. I am always afraid that if I take something that he has never had before he won't like it and I will be stuck with nothing to give him and a hungry and angry baby. I try and prevent that as much as I can.

Well I have gone on long enough. If you are still reading this you must be bored and thanks for listening to me ramble.

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