A Mother's Love

The daily life and struggles of being a first time Mother adjusting to my new life and trying to do my best for the new life we have brought into the world.

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Location: Moores Hill, Indiana, United States

I am a married Mother of 2 beautiful boys and 1 adorable girl. James was born on 1-1-05. Isaac born on 7-21-09. Anna born on 3-21-12 I have been married since Nov. 2001. I have 3 dogs (white lab/mastiff mix, black lab and black lab mix), 4 black cats, many angora rabbits (French, English and German, many fish, hamsters, hermit crabs, frogs, chickens and our newest additions 2 bottle lambs - or as my husband fondly calls it "the zoo." I currently live in Indiana, but grew up in Ohio. I am a house wife, and absolutely love my job. I have started my own hand dyeing business called Knitted to a T. I sell had dyed yarns, rovings, stitch markers, wool washes, patterns, and many other goodies.

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Thursday, September 01, 2005

8 Months Old

Well my little guy is 8 months old today. I still can't believe that he is that old already. I know that I say this every month, but man does time fly. It just seems like yesterday I was lying in the hospital with him still in me excited, scared, nervously awaiting his arrival. Only 4 more months until he will be a year old! An entire year!

I am so glad that I can be a SAHM for him. If I had to work out side the home I know that I would miss so much that I have been able to be at home to see. Admittingly it isn't for everyone, but I think I would personally regret going back to work if I didn't have to. I am so thankful that I am able to be here to see all his firsts.

We went to BRU today to have his pictures done. The normal girls that have been taking his picture since he was born weren't there, so he really wasn't into it this time. We tried everything and he just didn't want to smile much. Of course after we were done he was all smiles and was babbling away. Little turd. Oh well what can you do if they don't want to cooperate?. There is nothing that I know of at this age. I will post his new pictures when I can get onto the other computer and get them resized so it will be a few days before that can happen.

I found James some outfits that were one clearance. They are all for 18 months and older, but the way that he is growing it won't be long before he is in them. He is very close to being out of is 6-9 month sleepers, so I will have to be moving him up to his 12 month ones soon. I really think he is going to be tall like Kevin. Heck even if he compromises between us he will be at least 6 ft. I also expect him to have large feet like Kevin too, heck he is already in a size 3 and is almost out of them (he is wearing a size 4 tennis shoe from Wal*Mart and they fit him really well). I think we are going to be in for a real adventure for clothing for James as he gets older. This could be an impossible quest.

I also got him the Roll-a-Rounds: Drop and Roar Dinosaur. He really seems to like it and I know that it is hours of entertainment for adults. It has kept Kevin, his parents and myself all amused for quite a while. Isn't that why we buy toys for kids? You figure that you like it so your kid should too. They have so many neat toys out there now. It just amazes me that kids can get bored.

Well I am getting off the subject and am rambling. All in all it was an eventful day. After BRU we stopped at Kroger to pick up James' prescription. The Dr. has him on vitamins with fluoride in them. He really only needs the fluoride that is in them since we have well water and he gets breast milk, but he has to take the vitamins as well since that is the only way that it comes. I figure that the extra vitamins can't hurt. Maybe it will keep him from getting sick. I also picked up some more jar foods for when we are out he will have something to eat just in case. The homemade foods are not easily portable since they are all frozen. There are some new ones that I got I can't wait to see if he likes them. Of course I always try a jar at home before I take it out with us. I am always afraid that if I take something that he has never had before he won't like it and I will be stuck with nothing to give him and a hungry and angry baby. I try and prevent that as much as I can.

Well I have gone on long enough. If you are still reading this you must be bored and thanks for listening to me ramble.

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