When the Weather Out Side is Cold
Well winter has defiantly hit here. We have snow, we have the cold, and we have had the cloudy days to go along with it. I am happy about winter being here and I do like the snow, but I don't like what has come with it.
What is it I don't like, you may ask.?
Our furnace decided to stop last night. 16 freaking degrees out side last night! It is only 50 degrees in the house! Glad that we have the oil filled heater in James' room. At least he can be one toasty little man.
So far Kevin has got a part that cost $7 last year, but this year cost $75! And I thought that the gas prices were bad. The man at the heating and air store even called his distributor to see if he was charged wrong. He couldn't believe it either. So far it isn't working. Kevin got it going once, but when it shuts off it won't restart itself. I know that gas heat is warmer than electric, but this pilot light thing really gets on my nerves.
Oh did I mention that we don't have the $$ to call some one in to fix it? I am afraid that Kevin will need to go back and get more parts. I really hope that he can fix it and we don't have to call some one in. If we do have to I know it is going to cost a heck of a lot more than $75.
Think warm and toasty thoughts for us please. I would send warm hugs your way, but all I can give are some cold shivering ones. I am huddled up to my lap top to stay warm. LOL