A Mother's Love

The daily life and struggles of being a first time Mother adjusting to my new life and trying to do my best for the new life we have brought into the world.

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Location: Moores Hill, Indiana, United States

I am a married Mother of 2 beautiful boys and 1 adorable girl. James was born on 1-1-05. Isaac born on 7-21-09. Anna born on 3-21-12 I have been married since Nov. 2001. I have 3 dogs (white lab/mastiff mix, black lab and black lab mix), 4 black cats, many angora rabbits (French, English and German, many fish, hamsters, hermit crabs, frogs, chickens and our newest additions 2 bottle lambs - or as my husband fondly calls it "the zoo." I currently live in Indiana, but grew up in Ohio. I am a house wife, and absolutely love my job. I have started my own hand dyeing business called Knitted to a T. I sell had dyed yarns, rovings, stitch markers, wool washes, patterns, and many other goodies.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Friday, January 26, 2007

When the Weather Out Side is Cold

UPDATE: Kevin was able to fix the furnace. He was able to get it fixed Friday night. So we are warm again. Thanks for all the warm wishes. Keep your fingers crossed that it is fixed.

Well winter has defiantly hit here. We have snow, we have the cold, and we have had the cloudy days to go along with it. I am happy about winter being here and I do like the snow, but I don't like what has come with it.

What is it I don't like, you may ask.?

Our furnace decided to stop last night. 16 freaking degrees out side last night! It is only 50 degrees in the house! Glad that we have the oil filled heater in James' room. At least he can be one toasty little man.

So far Kevin has got a part that cost $7 last year, but this year cost $75! And I thought that the gas prices were bad. The man at the heating and air store even called his distributor to see if he was charged wrong. He couldn't believe it either. So far it isn't working. Kevin got it going once, but when it shuts off it won't restart itself. I know that gas heat is warmer than electric, but this pilot light thing really gets on my nerves.

Oh did I mention that we don't have the $$ to call some one in to fix it? I am afraid that Kevin will need to go back and get more parts. I really hope that he can fix it and we don't have to call some one in. If we do have to I know it is going to cost a heck of a lot more than $75.

Think warm and toasty thoughts for us please. I would send warm hugs your way, but all I can give are some cold shivering ones. I am huddled up to my lap top to stay warm. LOL

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Haul at Grandma's

We returned to my Mom's house after the Trick or Treating extravaganza. We filled our bellies with food and she got out the stuff that she bought for James.

Can I say SPOILED?! I kid you not, it looked like Christmas!

He absolutely LOVED the fire truck. As I have always said.... anything with wheels he likes. He was trying to be so patient while Kevin wrangled it from the packaging.

Here are the books, puzzles, horses and coloring/activity books that my Mom got him. Just a few there hu?

James allowed me to get a picture of his fire truck while he was napping. LOL It is pretty cool though.

Next we have the beginning of the clothing pictures. Yes I said beginning. I told you it was like Christmas instead of Halloween. They are all really cute!

You guessed it more clothes. The outfits are just too cute. I am so glad that there are really cute clothes for boys now.

My Mom told me that she just couldn't resist this next outfit. How cute is this?! It is too big for him at the moment, but rest assured once it fits him it will get plenty of wear.

Can you say too cute?!

This is the back of the Jacket. I will have to get a picture of him in it when fits.

Just gotta love the Grandma spoiling the wee one.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Trick or Treating

Man I have neglected this blog far too long. Let me put in a few posts here that will finally finish up Halloween.

James was a Koala Bear. Loved the costume so much I had to get it. It won't be too much longer that I will be able to dress him all cute like this, so I am getting it in while I get the chance. :)

We went to my Mom's house for Trick or Treating. Of course when we got there my Mom had to take a bunch of pictures before we went out.

James didn't seem to care. He just wanted to play with the toys.

He would much rather be out of the outfit and having Kevin reading to him. He just didn't understand what all the fuss was about.

I had to get a picture of the Bear butt. :)

Of course I love the pictures of James and Kevin walking holding hands. I had to get one of them too. Yep that is an Elmo bucket. Kevin found it and James loves it. He had a death grip on it all night.

Most of the houses in my Mom's neighborhood have steps to get up to the door. Kevin or I would carry James up since it was rather dark and we didn't want him getting hurt or trampled by the over zealous older kids.

He made quite a haul and had a great time. After the first few houses he caught on that people put things into his bucket, so he began holding it out waiting for the goodies to flow in.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Halloween at Home

The morning of Halloween James got his bucket full of things from us. He had a blast digging through it and finding all kinds of stuff.

He seemed to like the bugs the best. Yep he is all boy. I am waiting for the day that he comes in with worms and all things creepy crawly in his pockets for me to find. Then I will hear my laughing and saying that I deserve all the fuzzy slimy things that I find for doing it to her when I was younger.

He also liked the little finger puppets that I found. Oh and of course the little bags of snacks.

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