A Mother's Love

The daily life and struggles of being a first time Mother adjusting to my new life and trying to do my best for the new life we have brought into the world.

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Location: Moores Hill, Indiana, United States

I am a married Mother of 2 beautiful boys and 1 adorable girl. James was born on 1-1-05. Isaac born on 7-21-09. Anna born on 3-21-12 I have been married since Nov. 2001. I have 3 dogs (white lab/mastiff mix, black lab and black lab mix), 4 black cats, many angora rabbits (French, English and German, many fish, hamsters, hermit crabs, frogs, chickens and our newest additions 2 bottle lambs - or as my husband fondly calls it "the zoo." I currently live in Indiana, but grew up in Ohio. I am a house wife, and absolutely love my job. I have started my own hand dyeing business called Knitted to a T. I sell had dyed yarns, rovings, stitch markers, wool washes, patterns, and many other goodies.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

14 Months

Today James turned 14 months old. He is growing up so fast!

He seems to be feeling better. I hope that the meds. do their job and get rid of all of his cold and ear trouble. He is still a bit stuffy and also with a runny nose, but it is getting better. I just hope that it takes his crankies with it when it does finally go.

I can safely say that we have been lucky. This is the first time that he has been really sick and the first time that he has had to be on any meds. So we have been blessed with a healthy baby up until now. The only troubles that he has had are with cutting teeth, especially the molars, and growing pains. I have had plenty of sleepless nights with his growing pains. It seems that once he gets to sleep he jerks and wakes himself. So I have spent plenty of nights holding and rocking him during the night after he has woke himself up.

He still isn't walking yet. He will walk from object to object, but just won't let go and walk on his own in the middle of the floor. He is so silly.

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