A Mother's Love

The daily life and struggles of being a first time Mother adjusting to my new life and trying to do my best for the new life we have brought into the world.

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Location: Moores Hill, Indiana, United States

I am a married Mother of 2 beautiful boys and 1 adorable girl. James was born on 1-1-05. Isaac born on 7-21-09. Anna born on 3-21-12 I have been married since Nov. 2001. I have 3 dogs (white lab/mastiff mix, black lab and black lab mix), 4 black cats, many angora rabbits (French, English and German, many fish, hamsters, hermit crabs, frogs, chickens and our newest additions 2 bottle lambs - or as my husband fondly calls it "the zoo." I currently live in Indiana, but grew up in Ohio. I am a house wife, and absolutely love my job. I have started my own hand dyeing business called Knitted to a T. I sell had dyed yarns, rovings, stitch markers, wool washes, patterns, and many other goodies.

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Thursday, December 01, 2005

This is it...

This is the last month before James turns 1.

Where did the time go? It seems just like yesterday when we were in the hospital anticipating his arrival. I whole heartedly understood that time would go fast and I have done my best to soak up and enjoy every second of it, but it went by like a blink of an eye.

I can say that I am blessed to be able to stay at home with James and not have to take him to a day care while I go to work. Not that there is anything wrong with working mothers, please don't get me wrong. I just think that this was the best situation for our family. Honestly there are some days that I wish I could get away, but they have been very few.

I know that this month will fly by with Christmas coming up and all. I just wish I could make time stand still for a little while longer.

I never knew that I could love someone so much. It is just amazing! The little hugs and cuddles, just melt my heart (he knows how to get his way:) ) I love it when he gets excited and proud of himself when he has accomplished something new. There is way that he shows how much he missed us when one of us has been gone (he screams with delight and smiles so big then wants to be held and hugged). He is such an explorer now. He gets into everything, but that is ok with me as long as it isn't things he isn't allowed to get into. I love to watch him discover new things, the way they feel, what they do, who they work, the noise they make, etc.

I am going to stop here and go hug and cuddle my little baby while I can before I blink again and he is getting married.

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